Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Happy Speed Work

Had a great day today hitting the road pre-90 degree scorcher.  I got out of the house around 6:50 and ran to the local track which happens to be a middle school track paved with asphalt.  Now, I'm not going to lie, I almost ran right by the track despite my plans to go for a nice little run around the block instead.  As I looked at the track I had a strong urge to continue on, but it became obvious: I realized that it would hurt a lot more to have to come home later thinking about doing the speed work than keeping my faith in my training and getting it done.
I can't say I always have fun when my hamstrings tighten up and my lungs seize during repeat 400s.
I can say that I enjoy the Smithwick's on the couch at 9 pm with my tired legs propped up.   
To drive home the point, I will simply point out, if you look at health research, running and other endurance activity can increase your lifespan, intelligence, sex drive, all while lowering stress and appetite. 
What other things in your life can give you that much satisfaction while also improving so much?
Sounds like happy speed work to me.  Enjoy your next trip to the track! (or tire drill)

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