Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy New Year!

Wishing you a happy, healthy 2014!

It's a new year and with it comes the opportunity to reflect on the highlights, challenges, and lessons learned of the previous year as well as the hopes and goals for the year to come.  In 2013 we overcame challenges, had a lot of fun, and learned a ton along the way.  As we move into a new year, we're so excited at what 2014 has in store, especially our upcoming wedding in June :)

13 highlights of 2013 (in no particular order):

1.  Setting a date to marry my best friend and the love of my life.
2.  Moving to Colorado.

3.  Becoming an “Auntie” and Godmother.
4.  Competing as an Active Ambassador on Team Aquaphor.

5.  Sharing the awesomeness of Colorado with lots of visitors.

6.  Bidding farewell to the travel PT life and taking a permanent outpatient orthopedic position.
7.  Jersey Girl Triathlon weekend – lots of laughing, dress shopping, beach time, and a triathlon.
8.  Joining the EIM crew to add to my “PT toolbox”.
9.  Tackling marathon #4 in Cape Cod -  awesome runners, fans, and scenery.
10.  Lots of traveling with friends and family including Pittsburgh, Galveston TX, Philadelphia, Boston, Sacramento CA , Jersey Shore, Austin TX, Cape Cod, etc.

11.  Christmas time with family –  lots of food, fun, and love.
12.  Pitt homecoming 2013 – wedding planning, alumni events, and a 10K.

13.  Spending lots of time in the mountains with my other half.

Resolutions for 2014:

1.  I will manage stress better by taking time to relax daily, participating in yoga at least once per week, and keeping a journal of my goals and progress.

2.  I will improve my nutrition by eating more regularly and consuming a balanced diet with greater variety of fruits and vegetables, higher protein intake, and less empty carbs.

3.  I will go to gym at least 12 times per month.

4.  I will achieve greater balance in my life by limiting physical and emotional clutter and tackling chores in a more timely manner rather than letting tasks pile up. 

5.  I will take a more active role in giving back to my community through volunteering

6.  I will improve my professional development through increased participation in the APTA and achievement of continuing education and certifications. 

7.  I will complete an Olympic distance triathlon.

8.  I will perform proper warm-ups, cool-downs, and regular stretching and flexibility exercises before and after running.

9.  I will try a new recipe at least once a month.

10.  I will contribute to our blog more frequently.

11.  I will visit another country. 

12.  I will hike a new 14er. 

13.  I will floss my teeth daily

14.  I will reach 50 runs with Jack Quinn’s Run Club.

Cheers to a new year!

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